
Modeling and prediction of short and long term factors affecting oxygen depletion in different systems

WP 2


WP2 will improve the prediction of oxygen depletion in aquatic ecosystems by developing and using numerical tools to assimilate oxygen sensor data, by providing feedback to observational scientists regarding optimal sampling and observation strategies and by integrating the various observations made at different spatial scales and temporal resolutions (link to WP 1, 6, and 7).
Moreover, WP2 will advance our understanding of the relative importance of oxygen supply and oxygen use in governing oxygen depletion, thus providing knowledge to distinguish natural variability from manageable, anthropogenic effects (input to WP3).

  • Assessing current modeling approaches for oxygen depletion by physical and biogeochemical approaches
  • Testing performance of physical and biogeochemical models with observations from different systems studied (main test sites for modeling approaches: Black Sea, Koljö Fjord, Loch Etive)
  • Assessing sensitivity of oxygen depletion to variations in different physical and biogeochemical parameters on different temporal and spatial scales
  • Developing scenarios of climate change, eutrophication, natural variability for different open and land-locked systems and their effects on oxygen depletion
  • Advising on parameter selection and temporal and spatial scales of observation of oxygen depletion in different aquatic systems (link to WP1)
  • Developing forecasting capabilities for oxygen depletion in open and land-locked aquatic systems